On The Other Hand… Da Bores

So some time ago, I had written a post declaring how god awful the recent episode of the Nerd series was. And for the record, I have yet to play this Hong Kong game and thus will also have to do so the same way the rest of the Internet does… through an emulator. (Expect a review of this next April Fools, when such a review makes sense to make.)

On the other hand, we have Da Bores making a video on Kid Icarus… and it’s about as much as you’d expect a typical Irate Gamer episode; lots of unfunny puns, lots of over-exaggerations, lots of unfunny gags, lots of predictable jokes, lots of repeating jokes in a vain attempt to make someone laugh, more dying on purpose, and more acting like a complete idiot for the sake of acting like a complete idiot. There is even an eggplant that is killed for the sake of the end bit. Suffice it to say; if you enjoy Irate Gamer videos, you might enjoy this one. But if you didn’t… well, there’s not much to change your mind on.

The one thing that I can credit Bores on – for all of his faults, his inaccuracies, and the somewhat dubious nature of his claims – the one thing I give him credit on is that HE KEEPS THEM SHORT – roughly within the 10 to 15 minute range and more often than not, less than that. And with his “storyline” over and done with, he actually keeps them relatively simple. I don’t tune into an Irate Gamer video for an in-depth review or an overblown plotline featuring lots of cheap gimmicks and shitty acting; I just want to watch a guy who knows very little about games act like a complete moron. And dangnammit, that’s what I get.

With that having been said, however, this was lacking something in the humor department. Throughout the whole video, I had to struggle to find something laughable here, whether intentional or otherwise, and I didn’t get much of that here. I also have to knock points off this video for swiping a clip that was obviously of lower quality than the rest of it, as well as the predictable ending which involved said eggplant. Not going to spoil it here, but I’m sure you can figure it out yourselves.

In any case, if one were to pick a winner in this “feud” that nobody should give a shit about these… you know what? I’d say fuck both of them and give Board James a watch; now THAT’s a Cinemassacre show that’s actually worth watching these days, especially the recent episode on the Omega Virus.

The Nerd Touches Hong Kong 97… I Plant Face To Palm

My reaction after watching the latest Nerd snorefest.

This was bad. This was very bad. Not THAT bad… but still very bad.

I honestly didn’t think that this series could get worse. I didn’t want to believe it. I felt that while the series had fallen from its pedestal of humor ages ago, it still had its moments… sometimes. The 12 Days Of Shitmas marathon, while not high-larious and boasting a couple worthless episodes (Crazybus, for fuck’s sake), there were a couple decent entries. Ren & Stimpy: Firehouse wasn’t too bad and I thought his Hyperscan episode, while not ha-ha funny because it’s retread territory, it did look at the various games in “detail” compared to other videos who were more content in mocking the system’s inability to read its trademark cards. See, I can find something to like in this Nerd series.

And yes, I’m just calling it the Nerd series. These days, he doesn’t do a whole lot of anger… or even video games for that matter.

So I didn’t think this series could find its way of breaking through the bottom of that barrel and digging itself to the other side of the planet, but somehow, James Rolfe has found a way to make a once humorously quaint little series spill into the depths of utter decadence and debauchery by building a drawn-out and completely pointless episode around one of the most shallow and worthless games ever conceived… a game, mind you, that has been covered, reviewed, mocked, and eviscerated by who knows how many people online. It is not exactly a hidden turd that has been left undiscovered or untouched – people know about this thing, especially within the internet gaming community.

And the sad thing is that Rolfe has a nice little gaming series in James & Mike Mondays that, while derivative of other “Let’s Play” pairings such as those Game Grump people or whoever, is perhaps the most watchable gaming show that they’ve got. Reactions are genuine, the banter is, more often than not, complimentary to the experience rather than a distraction, and if nothing else, there is a sincerity and humbleness to this that is completely lacking in the Nerd series. I can watch this and get a couple laughs and giggles out of this, even with some of the more crass humor that I’ve grown out of enjoying from their camp. If there was anything from James Rolfe today that I’d recommend watching from a gaming standpoint, I’d say check out James & Mike Mondays. That’s a good show.

The Nerd series, on the other hand? Purely self-indulgent at this point. Taking a worthless game that shouldn’t take you more than three to four minutes tops to say “it’s fucking shit” and turn it into this padded-out horse manure that tries to be intellectual and high end, but really, it’s no better than sitting through an episode of the Irate Gamer show… which is equally as terrible, by the way.

Any way we can convince Kenny The NC17 Guy to come out of retirement?

On the bright side, though, the OneUp Gamer – the once-high-pitched boy who did a bunch of silly but otherwise enjoyable videos including two on Back to the Futer (sic) – made a return to the living a few months ago with a quality review of American McGee’s Alice before falling off the face of the Earth yet again. Yes, kids; unlike some other online folks who stuck around long past the expiry date, he actually got better. Do check it out by clicking here.

Retired? I Thought You Said You Were Tired…

So… that blog lambasted Chris Bores for announcing his intention to continue his Irate Gamer show, shortly after a sample video of that series’ next episode was posted. As a matter of fact, the insightful title of the guy’s latest blog post is So Much For Retirement! Actual “Irate Gamer” is Coming Back. Because how dare Bores bring back something that people like so much… for whatever reason.

I guess the chucklehead who runs the blog failed to recall that Doug Walker once retired the Nostalgia Critic in 2012 and it took him a few months to go back to the well. Certainly, far less time than it took Bores to do the same. I’ve got dates and everything…

September 14, 2012 – Nostalgia Critic is “retired”
January 13, 2013 – Nostalgia Critic is unretired
Elapsed Time Of Retirement: Four Months

July 21 , 2014 – Irate Gamer is announced as “retired” in subtle mention of Chris Bores bio
March 11, 2015 – Irate Gamer is “unretired” with a teaser video
Elapsed Time Of Retirement: Eight Months*

How sad is it that the only “angry reviewer” type to keep that gimmick retired – save for special occasions – is Kenny The NC17 Guy?

*In fairness, the most recent episode and final episode of his “fourth season” was posted in April. It would be around eleven months retired, but still a longer period than Walker.

5 Days Of Shitsmas… Living Up To The Label

For anyone who cares about my thoughts on the “12 Days Of Shitsmas” AVGN marathon… the name is indeed appropriate.

Day 1: Tagin’ Dragon
Not much to say about this one; typical Nerd thing.

Day 2: ALF (Master System)
I’m assuming Mike Matei wrote the script for this one because this has his trademark puppet sex fetish obsession all over this one. Terrible episode.

Day 3: Crazybus (Genesis)
Like I said in the video, it’s a fucking tech demo.

Day 4: Ren & Stimpy: Fire Dogs (SNES)
This one’s alright. Not quite funny, but there’s enough here that it could pass for a review… somewhat.

Day 5: Rocky & Bullwinkle (NES)
Terrible, predictable, unfunny, the epitome of non-medy, felt like I was watching an old NC17Productions video rather than a Nerd video… although given the quality of the substance, the two are practically interchangeable.

The Nerd Does E.T. Proper, No Need To Watch The Movie

The Nerd “review” on E.T. The Extra Terrestrial for Atari 2600 is now online, thanks to Cinemassacre. In reality, it’s the same “review” from the end of the movie, but with the “real” E.T. game instead of the movie stand-in. If the review was the only thing you cared about, then you now have no reason to rent or buy the movie.

My thoughts on the film are forthcoming… assuming I can get over these health things.

In Happier News…

Classic Game Room recently reached their original Kickstarter goal of $9,000 to fund the production of a 2-disc “best of” compilation featuring well over 50 CGR reviews to celebrate the show’s 15th anniversary, including a couple exclusive reviews. They’ve even surpassed the first stretch goal of $11,000 and closing in on achieving their second. Your mileage may vary as to whether it’s worth donating to something that compiles material already freely accessible online, but then nobody said anything when James Rolfe did the same thing years ago, albeit through different means.

In any case, I plopped some bucks for the DVD perk, which not only includes the “Best Of” set, but also the Classic Game Room mockumentary from 2007 that I wanted to get my hands on for a while, so done.

Check it out here if it fits your fancy;

AVGN Movie Trailer #2 is out…

The picture pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?

I’m not gonna link it. It’s on YouTube somewhere. I’m sure you’ll find it. You’ll probably like it… which means you probably won’t like what I’m writing here.

You know… my expectations weren’t exactly high when the movie was announced, especially when it would revolve around E.T. for Atari 2600 and the whole landfill thing (that was discovered and excavated in real life, by the way). And when the first trailer for this thing hit, my initial reaction was that it looked decent on a technical level, but I still wasn’t sold on the story being told… or the acting, for that matter… but I’ll reserve final judgment on the finished product.

But after watching this second trailer… how do I put this delicately as to not fray any weak-minded fans of that particular franchise?

It looked like shit.

I mean, it really looked fucking horrible.

It’s basically a shitty Channel Awesome movie with a bigger budget and even less potentially likable characters, with no potential to be anything more than an outright sub-mediocre mess of a movie whose reputation is going to get more praise than it deserves because it’s from a beloved Internet personality.

“It’s a labor of love!” they say.

“It’ll be EPIC!” they say.

“It’ll be the greatest thing James Rolfe ever makes!” they will say.

Only one of the above has any truth to it; the bit about it being a labor of love. And as much as I crap on this trailer and the potential disaster that I fear the movie to be, never let it be said that I do not give Rolfe credit where it’s due. With the first trailer, I thought the content looked good on a technical level and at the very least, it looked somewhere within the realm of cheap-o SyFy Channel original movie quality rather than cheap-o Internet movie production. And I also appreciate the possibility of actual model work being used in the movie… a pity that the amount of cheap shitty CG effects looks to outweigh the practical effects by a considerable margin.

With the second trailer, it opens with a brief tease of establishing the Nerd caricature; who he is and all that. It’s not a big thing, but it was something that was lacking the Channel Awesome projects I saw where the film assumes you know all these caricatures and thus gave you no reason to actually care about these people. In a way, I’m glad to see Rolfe include this bit as a way of saying “If you’re unfamiliar with the Nerd, don’t worry. Here’s a bit to acquaint potential new viewers as to who the Nerd is and what he does.” Now whether the movie gives the viewer any reason to care about the Nerd caricature is another story entirely.

But beyond that one sliver of credit and the uncluttered bits of trailer that, if nothing else, look decent by the technical standards of an Asylum film… the concept is still kinda shit, the caricatures seem shallow and uninteresting, the digital special effects are rather lame, and I’ve seen more impressive CG effects on a Sega Dreamcast. The whole thing might be a labor of love, but it just looks like the visual equivalent of a 3-year-old mashing on a piano without rhyme or reason.

And the truly sad part about all this is that James Rolfe is actually a competent filmmaker. He is capable of churning out really great stuff. He HAS put out really great stuff. There’s a bunch of his older short films that I’ve enjoyed tremendously that perfectly showcases the kind of talent he has for this sort of thing. The Deader The Better is an example of one of his better films. Cinemaphobia is another good one. The shorts he did for the 48-Hour Film Project for a few years were pretty good (Death Secret was probably the best of the bunch). The Dragon In My Dreams was a nice retrospective piece on his childhood.

Hell, a couple months ago, I just got around to seeing Jersey Odysseys: Legend Of The Blue Hole and for a student film with lesser production values and generally weak acting, I thought that was probably the best thing Rolfe’s ever made. I thought the subject matter was interesting when I didn’t think it would, the overall story flowed rather nicely, the main character had some level of depth to him and had enough substance that you actually cared, there was an aura of suspense and mystery that was Rolfe’s strongest point, and the ending left it open to the possibilities of a follow-up, which makes sense since this was intended to be an ongoing thing but never came to be for obvious reasons… and that’s a bit of a shame because this was a fucking good short and it left me wanting more.

Now that’s the James Rolfe who I would’ve liked to have seen do a feature film. The James Rolfe who could take what he did with those short films and really take it to another level with the added budget and openness that that level of filmmaking would afford him. But that’s not the James Rolfe who made a movie for the past year.

Instead, we get the James Rolfe who has potential for greatness, but is content to be complacent in mediocrity. The James Rolfe who is content in pandering to a fanbase by continuing a series that has become the very epitome of creative bankruptcy. And that’s reflected in grand fashion in the form of this Angry Video Game Nerd movie. It’ll be successful, no doubt. It’ll be highly praised, without question. And the most ardent and mindless fans will easily eat up this self-fellating vanity project that will no doubt stroke the egos of Rolfe, Matei, and all others involved, just as quickly as they gobble up any other edition of a franchise that remains popular despite not having anything relevant or worthwhile to say in years.

The Angry Video Game Nerd movie will, indeed, be James Rolfe’s biggest success.

But the best thing he’s ever made?

Hell fucking no.

Just To Hammer My Previous Point…

This is the original teaser poster for the Angry Video Game Nerd movie, as featured on the Cinemassacre website. I’ll save you the trouble of clicking on the link to the older posting and just repost my thoughts here, since they’re pretty much the same now as they were back then…

“It’s a nice looking poster. Mostly monochrome, mostly dark, but I rather like it.

“Unfortunately, the poster also does a good job of misleading me into believing that this is going to be something of a dark horror comedy sort of film rather than the schlock that the teaser trailer has been showcasing. In fact, a dark horror comedy film starring the Nerd character has the potential to be the much more interesting film that could potentially give that franchise a worthwhile production. I know Rolfe could pull it off if he wanted to… but he won’t.

“And it’s a shame, because in my mind, that’s probably what he’s best at.”

And after watching some of Rolfe’s older stuff, I still find a Nerd movie done in the same fashion as those older films to be the more potentially interesting film than whatever the fuck that thing is he’s trying to pass off as a movie.

Okay, I’ll shut up about this now. Enjoy the teaser poster, folks.