20 Years Of Nerd

May 2004 is the month that marks the 20th anniversary of James Rolfe’s Bad NES Games: Simon’s Quest video that was produced back in 2004, which pretty much gave birth to the Angry Nintendo/Video Game Nerd. I’ve been trying to nail an exact date on when it first appeared or came to fruition, but have uncovered many conflicting results. Youtube says one thing (though to be fair, they didn’t start up until 2005 and both Bad NES Games videos were uploaded in 2006, so that didn’t help.) The Cinemassacre website says another while the Cinemassacre wiki says something else entirely. So I’ve been trying to nail the exact date and came up empty… so we may as well call this the month of Nerd, even though I’m not going spend a whole month celebrating Nerd… this one post and the subsequent video reviews will have to suffice.

Besides, I’d much rather May be the month of Nerd than the day of Star Wars… because at the very least, the chances of a good Nerd episode these days is more likely than whatever crapshoot comes out of the Disney+ camp.

Case in point, the Nerd did post a new episode earlier this week as he plays other Castlevania titles and ponders if they’re better than Super Castlevania IV. I liked the video, it was more reflective and introspective than the usual Nerd stuff, and makes one of the better Nerd episodes that I’ve seen in years. I will certainly preach to the choir and say that it was a far better outing than the last episode where he was reacting to some weird furry hentai game with a horse… what even the fuck was that crap?

Naturally, as is often the case with these things, his conclusion has brought up a bunch of controversy and questioning of James Rolfe’s Castlevania fandom because he prefers [REDACTED] over this and that, to which I say… kindly fuck off. If Rolfe prefers [REDACTED] over your no. 1 pick for greatest Vania EVAR or some bullshit like that, that doesn’t make him any less of a fan than Joe Schmoe hugging their Alucard inflatables while wetting themselves over someone putting their beloved Symphony or Rondo on the [REDACTED] IGA pedestal. I hate to break it to you, but not everyone is going to agree on which Vania is the best. People can enjoy the same things for different reasons and it doesn’t make them any less of a fan of said things because they don’t meet with your lofty standards of fandom.

If you’re offended over someone saying your favorite game isn’t their favorite game or that your best game isn’t their best game… then maybe the problem is with you and not them. Like what you like and let others like what they like. No need to be a c**t about it.

Same thing with the Nerd himself. I feel that his recent stuff isn’t up to the standards of his first few years’ worth of videos, but others could feel differently. I can question why people enjoy that stuff, but I’m not going to begrudge anyone for still following his stuff. If anything, I applaud the man for still maintaining a strong following after all these years. Sure, he has his ups and downs, but the man is still going today after all these years long after his contemporaries had dropped off the face of the Earth. Regardless of what you think of the content as of late, that kind of longevity is to be commended and I tip my hat off to him for lasting as long as he has.

I know some people are expecting some sort of long, drawn-out commemorative essay on the Nerd and his impact and such, but I honestly don’t have much to say about the guy. I don’t watch his content as much as I used to, I’ve sort of moved on from that whole angry reviewing phase unless I’m revisiting old Armake21 videos because those still hold up, and when it comes to influences, I’m more influenced by the likes of Classic Game Room, Ashens, and a couple others than the Nerd himself. With that said, however, the fact that the guy is still going after all this time… again, not everyone tends to last that long doing the same thing over and over. He’s still doing Nerd. He still has a following. And that’s a feather in his cap that no one can take away.

So yeah… happy 20th, AVGN… even though technically you weren’t called that until eighteen years ago, but now we’re arguing semantics… or maybe we’ll just have another anniversary celebration or something. Who knows? Anyway, here’s to another 20 years of bad games.

Meanwhile In Sandusky…

Someone sent me a message the other day wondering if I still keep up with Chris “The Irate Gamer” Bores… as if I know the guy. (I don’t.) I also have no earthly clue as to why anyone would think I keep with anything that The Bores does these days. There’s already a blog that does that.

Oh wait… that guy retired the blog? Last year? And he never came back?

Huh… how ’bout that?

Anyway, out of courtesy, I went over to the Chris Neo or whatever he’s calling it channel and he now does a podcast about entertainment with some other dude. I tried listening to an episode and just lost interest. I’m sure he has his audience that’ll eat up anything he serves, but I am not one of them and I am perfectly fine with that.

He did re-release some of his older videos as remastered compilations; where he would occasionally add some “behind the scenes” commentary on the material. It is only vaguely interesting for fans. That’s about all I got out of it and so afterwards, I just moved on with my day.

Anyway, hope he’s doing well.

P.S. Does he still live in Sandusky?

It's Mid-Summer. No Irate.

Some time ago, the Irate Gamer announced his return, due in the summer.

Summer is almost over. And yet still no sign of the Irate One making his video return.
Chris Bores does have a podcast, however.
I haven’t listened to it… but it should be fun, right?
I don’t know… does anyone really care at this point?
Maybe the Irate Game Sucks guy does… he needs material, after all.
Otherwise, he’d have to find something else to write about.
Wouldn’t that be something?
P.S. Seriously, dude. The Bores well is dry. Start another blog and write about something else. I’m sure you can come up with something.

A Word About [REDACTED]

So regarding the controversy that needs not be said here because it’s been said already and I’d rather not have that sort of toxicity around my neck of the woods… as such, I’m keeping this short and sweet. This will also be the only time I mention anything on the matter.

There’s been plenty of vile and naughtiness being tossed around from all counts regarding this particular subject matter and even as I put together this piece of business, I’m trying to find the words that properly convey this mixed bag of emotions and thoughts regarding this particular incident… and I realize that there are no words because my mind hasn’t been able to process this into something tangible.

This isn’t the first time that I’ve seen someone who, until recently, had provided me with years of entertainment go down that dark path. Probably nowhere near that same level, but is it really something that you sit down and you gauge “Who committed the worse deed?” Two different wrongs might have different aftermaths, but they’re still wrong.

And whatever comes of this whole ordeal, nobody’s coming out of this in one piece. That kind of business taints you, it sullies your being, it damages you regardless. You do this thing that comes out and nobody is ever seeing you in the same light ever again. Those who have been wronged may slowly but surely recover from this ordeal… but it’s never going to be the same.

To the people who feel victimized by what has happened, I can only offer my wish that you’re able to find the strength to move on with your lives and try not to let this define who you are. Something like this might stick with you, but it shouldn’t be the main thing that defines you. You’re more than that. You’re WAY more than one incident of poor judgment or taste.

And to that other fellow whose name has not been mentioned… look, I can’t say what goes through someone’s mind when they do this sort of thing and honestly, whatever happens, I hope the person gets the help to sort things out going forwards. All I can is say that… you had a fanbase, you had fame, you had revenue, you had a lot of these things that most small-time creators covet and would KILL to have… and you pissed it all away because you couldn’t keep your junk in the trunk.

Probably a poor choice of words, but well…

Anyway, that’s my bit. I’ve said my piece. And now I’m moving on from this as best as I can. I would suggest you all do the same.

Reggie Is Ready… For The Old Folk's Home

Source: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/02/reggie_fils-aime_is_retiring_after_15_notable_years_at_nintendo_of_america

So Reggie, the president of NoA and the face of 1000 internet memes, is stepping down and moving on to retirement. Apparently, years of avoiding having to answer questions of Mother 3 have finally caught up with him, prompting him to take Guile’s advice about going home and being a family man. Replacing Reggie will be Doug Bowser – insert joke here – who joined up in 2015 after a stint at Electronic Arts.

Wait a minute, you mean a guy named BOWSER used to work at EA?

The fix is in, ladies and gentlemen. Nintendo is fucked for sure.

Enjoy retired life, Reggie. Thanks for the memories, the memes, and for killing everyone’s hopes of a Mother 3. Now everyone can bug BOWSER for Mother 3… or 4… or whatever. Who cares?

So I Saw The Newest AVGN Episode…

These intermission bits with the special effects are kinda stupid, the actual “review” portion is the usual nitpicky shits and giggles type of thing that usually makes for good comedy if the execution came off as more natural rather than ham-fisted overacting that has since become a detriment to the past few years worth of Nerd videos, and then the ending just hurt my brain.

On the flip side, I give credit to Nerd for being able to use those original giant-ass Xbox controllers. I’ve only used those things once or twice a long time ago and that was more than enough for me.

So I guess there’s a Tomb Raider-related episode coming up… that should be interesting to watch… I guess.

AVGN’s Dirty Harry… Doesn’t Work For Me, Brother

This year, AVGN began premiering its episodes on Amazon, before eventually making its way to Youtube. This sort of follows the same route that Classic Game Room took with its latest 2085 incarnation, although those episodes are behind a paywall… and in all honesty, may not be worth it, which pains me to say as a longtime CGR fan. The AVGN episodes can be seen on Youtube on delay.

I saw his Earthbound video… or rather bits and pieces of it as it was a rather meaty episode. Given the scope and length of the game, I could understand the long-running time and from what I’ve seen, this was actually an enjoyable little episode that I’d like to sit down and watch the whole thing.

And then his latest episode hit, covering Dirty Harry for the NES… and folks, this has got to be one of the worst episodes of AVGN I’ve seen up to this point.

Okay, okay, it’s not THAT bad… but this was not a good show. It runs at eleven minutes and within that eleven minute runtime, I bore witness to pointless visual gags, unfunny referential humor, predictable jokes… all the shit that people used to mock Irate Gamer and all those other knock-off artists are on full display here and they are not any better.

The quality of the show has seen a considerable dip over the years and sometimes, I wonder if it’s the show or just me outgrowing the material. But man, I go back to those early 2006-2007 episodes and I still get a kick out of watching those episodes due to their rawness and genuine feeling. These feel overproduced, cookie-cutter, and lacks that genuine feeling.

Much like a certain sports entertainment company these days.

All that aside, it’s nice to see that James Rolfe is still kicking and I’m very much looking forward to some of the more personal small films he says he’s working on… but as far as his AVGN output goes… it’s not working for me, brother.

Did People Really Want An Irate Gamer Return?

So apparently, Chris Bores is back and he’s bringing the Irate Gamer with him.

A new video was posted on Bores’ old channel (formerly the IrateGamer channel before undergoing a name change to the CB Network before settling on the quaintly-named CHRIS-TUBE) in which Bores dies at Super Mario Bros and throws something at his TV before declaring “I’m back.”

The Irate Gamer, for those who don’t know, is a “review” show where Chris Bores portrays said Gamer who is always angry… er, I mean, IRATE at all the bad games he has to play. In an effort to be different from that other guy who is always angry at all the bad plays he has to play, he also gets irate at all the fan favorites too. If you really need more details on this fellow, there’s already a blog that touches on Bores’ body of work in much more detail than I’d care to look into.

I suppose the question remains is there an audience for the return of the Irate one because I’m not sure I’ve encountered anyone who had been wondering why there hasn’t been any new Irate Gamer videos as of late. Hell, I had completely forgotten about the poor fellow until a visit to said blog had made me aware of said video.

This is simple “hating” for the sake of “hating.” Unlike other people, if I genuinely hate something, I would not be calling attention to it. That’s why certain pieces of business will never get touched upon here. But Bores has always been that oddity that people found offensive, but I found mildly amusing for all the wrong reasons.

But in any event, hide your Skylander toys. Because the Irate Gamer is coming back whether you want it or not.

Now, if only we’d get through IG’s History Of Video Games in a more timely fashion…

A Sign That The Manga World Is Out Of Ideas…

At a local Tim Hortons restaurant late at night, I’m having coffee with a buddy of mine and we talk about a whole bunch of stuff. At some point, he brings up the news that there’s a new manga called Daigo: The Beast coming out soon. I don’t keep up with manga news, so I ask him what’s so special about this manga.

He tells me that it’s a manga-ized biography of that Street Fighter pro player person.

I look up and stare into his eyes, looking for any sign that he could be pulling my leg or making some ridiculous claim. I’m waiting for him to cut the air of silence and tell me what this manga is really about. It didn’t take long for me to realize that he was being completely serious.

“Somebody’s making a manga about some gamer?” I ask him.

My bud nods slowly.

I slowly shake my head in disbelief. Of all the things you could make a manga out of it and you go with some gamer’s life story. This was a sign that the world is running out of good ideas.

“Is there a reason why anyone would want this?” I ask. “I’m not sure why anyone would want a manga about a guy whose claim to fame is that he’s very good at Street Fighter.”

My buddy just shrugs, unable to give me an answer that would satisfy me. I take a couple more sips of coffee before we change the subject.

Just to clarify, I know about Daigo; that guy who did fifty parries to a crowd of lifeless zombies heard around the world. Apparently, he’s one of the best SF players in the world. You know what? Good for him… that doesn’t mean the world needs a manga about this guy. Not when you make more magical girl comics instead that borderlines on hentai or whatever the proper venacular happens to be.

For people who care about this sort of shit, the Daigo: The Beast biography manga is due out in December, but early copies are available at the EVO event this July.
