Quick Thoughts On The AVGN Episode With The Troma Guy

Reposting a comment I left elsewhere:

I’ll be honest here. The only thing I really enjoyed about this recent AVGN was Lloyd Kaufman, because, quite frankly, a seemingly unmotivated, disinterested, and misused Lloyd Kaufman ended up being a more engaging and entertaining character than the Nerd. In fact, I’d much rather see Lloyd Kaufman “review” video games than the Nerd, because he’s that much more interesting.

As for the video itself, I tried to think of a word to sum up my feelings, but the only one that comes to mind is MEH.

Random Thoughts On… The AVGN Movie Teaser Poster

So Cinemassacre posted the artwork for the teaser poster for the upcoming Angry Video Game Nerd movie that is coming this lifetime or something. I’m not going to re-post it here because it’s a big image, but if you want to check it out…

It’s a nice looking poster. Mostly monochrome, mostly dark, but I rather like it.

Unfortunately, the poster does a good job of misleading me into believing that this is going to be something of a dark horror comedy sort of film rather than the schlock that the teaser trailer has been showcasing. In fact, a dark horror comedy film starring the Nerd character has the potential to be the much more interesting film that could potentially give that franchise a worthwhile production. I know Rolfe could pull it off if he wanted to… but he won’t.

And it’s a shame, because in my mind, that’s probably what he’s best at.

Kyle Justin – The Unsung Hero Of The Angry Video Game Nerd

It seems almost unfortunate that of the original folks responsible for the enduring popularity of the Angry Video Game Nerd franchise, theme song composer and independent musician Kyle Justin is the one who gets the least screentime in the series. Obviously, we see James Rolfe since he’s the Nerd… sometimes, we’ll see Mike Matei in some costume that looks better than his performances… and on rare occasions, we’ll have a guest appearance from new folks or some familiar personality… but the number of times Kyle Justin makes his presence felt in the AVGN series, barring any musical cues, is far few and between. It is unfortunate because, whenever he appears onscreen in a Nerd video, he ends up being the most entertaining and humorous of the bunch. And oftentimes, the highlight of a Nerd video.

Case in point; the recent episode of AVGN covering the NES version of Ikari Warriors.

Continue reading “Kyle Justin – The Unsung Hero Of The Angry Video Game Nerd”

A friend left this in my email… and then I post it here for fanboys to rage over

“I still scratch my head every time
some numbskull says something like
‘[AVGN] hasn’t been any good since 2007!'”

-Some moron on the Irate Gamer Sucks blog

Wonder how this same guy would feel
if someone were to tell him the sad truth that
AVGN was never good to begin with.

Here’s the thing with AVGN;
the guy was funny when we first saw him,
but he was funny in the same way that
man getting hit in the nuts was funny.
I wasn’t laughing with him because of his talent,
I was laughing at him because of his dumbassery.

James Rolfe is a talented guy, don’t get me wrong.
But AVGN was far from his best work.
In fact, it’s shit compared to the stuff
he used to do before this whole e-fame thing.

Chris Bores should have found a better thing
to rip off in my opinion.

By the way, Dave. I’m still waiting on that coffee
you owe me. What’s the holdup?

About that AVGN trailer?

I am working on a combination commentary/vlog thing on my thoughts regarding the AVGN trailer. I’m also experimenting with outputting some semblance of HD output here in order to give this thing a proper looky… don’t plan on switching to HD anytime soon (no point on my end considering the usual content I put out) but every so often it wouldn’t be an impossibility… provided this first try works.

Interesting Comments…


Just for the record, I haven’t seen the first two parts of this thing. I have no intention of seeing any of it, in all honesty. My friend took a gander at Part 1 and wisely advised me to stay away. So I’m going to do just that, seeing as this latest endeavor seems to be ripping off Star Trek III as far as “plot” goes.

Comments on the above link, though? Entertaining stuff. It amazes me how much people will get riled up over something that’s “supposed to be silly” and “not taken seriously.” I disagree on that last part – if you didn’t take this project seriously, you wouldn’t sell it on DVD months later.

Bullshit Full Of Shit Since Day 1

A friend of mine suggested commentary on a number of topics. Among them were recent editions of James Rolfe’s utterly worthless Bullshit series, which includes complaining about microwaves, GPS units, and assholes. Isn’t suffering through the first thirteen episodes of this tripe enough? Why go through more of this crap and Rolfe’s insistence that he shows off his fancy bullshit mask? Not to mention it’s a pretty crummy mask on top of that.

Out of all the recent offerings, however, there’s one episode that I do agree with to a point… and that’s iTunes. If there was any reason for me to avoid iTunes, some would be listed in that one video. But as for the rest of the Bullshit series… well…

So… new AVGN video is up on the Tubes

Looks over a bunch of NES games based on movies starring Ahr-Nuld… all honesty, it was a pretty meh episode. I guess some people will be happy he touched on games like Total Recall and Predator, but honestly, it was pretty lame. Especially since I’ve seen videos of this ilk on these games done better by other people and with less overcooked results. Oh well…