A Message From The Livid Gamer

WARNING: The following is a written mockery based on a previous blog post… which is based on comments by a friend of a popular angry nerd or something. Though there is some mockery, there is some truth in regards to… certain stuff. Without further to do, I give the floor to the LIVID GAMER.

*cue the Livid Gamer theme song, if he had one*

Hey, guys. Livid Gamer here with an important announcement.

People have said that I “nuked the fridge” with the Chu Chu Train episode. And yet, Zero episodes later, I’m still here, you goobers. Some non-episodes will be weaker than others… but that’s what you have to do to ‘ceed; keep on sucking.
As for the random character portrayed by my best buddy being annoying, that’s one character where it really was intended to be annoying but ends up being as stupid and pointless as all the other random non-characters in my program. So if he annoyed you, good. I’m glad he annoyed you. His goal was to annoy you and tune you away from my products. When you’re playing a game, and the game fucks up, that means the game sucks and you should feed it to your game shredder or toss it to your fireplace. Enjoy that fresh chemical odor that will inhabit your humble abode for years to come.
Anyway, if you want to see something REALLY annoying, you can watch me jump around like an asshole as the cowardly lion… or Bugs Bunny… or a Jewish skeleton who celebrates Christmas. I mean, I hear it all the time. You don’t like the live action characters; they all act the same; they’re out of character. We get it.
Guess what?


There’s going to be more characters. They’re all going to act the same and be totally inaccurate to the original portrayal. When we do more Bugs Bunny games, we will have him act less like the classic character we remember and more like some fuckhead who has played a whole bunch of characters the same way, essentially becoming a non-character. Get over it. If you want pure game reviews, go make your own and see how exciting that gets after about twenty of them, even though pure game reviews have been around FOREVER and provide a formal. I sound like a broken record claiming that the angry reviewer style is a revolutionary new way of reviewing games when it’s just a means to cover up the fact that you suck at reviewing.
And just to cover my ass so that people don’t immediately think we don’t care what the fans think (and honestly, we don’t because the fans will like any shit we throw at them – just look at the Glitchy Bunny episode I tossed to gether on VaporTube.):
Sometimes I find it fun to add in guest characters like Spider-Man (but we call him Spiderman because we hate hyphens,) Ninja Gaiden (who has a real name, but I can’t be bothered to do the research,) and whatnot. We have a lot of fun shooting those episodes because we love taking these classic characters and turn them into pseudo-Nerd clones that act NOTHING like their mainstream interpretation, essentially turning them into non-characters.
Sure, some works better than other, like the time we had our guitar guy play as himself but swearing more often and acting like a Nerd instead of a unique character. But just because some fans don’t like the guest non-characters, doesn’t mean we’re going to stop using them. We’re not going to change our work method of a few complaints and so when you see a new character, he’s going act the same way as before – like the fucking angry reviewer – BECAUSE THAT’S CREATIVITY AT ITS FINEST!!!
So when I said “We don’t care what you think”, that does not mean we don’t care about the fans – you know, the mindless sheep that will like anything we throw at them, even if it’s pure shit. We love the fans. But we don’t care what they think if they don’t like our stuff.
The series is not ending. I may exert some non-effort, but this series isn’t ending any time soon.
That is all. Maybe this will appear in FOX NEWS or something.
I’m so LIVID.

The Nerd Tries His Hand At E3 Recapping… He Fails.

For the past couple years, James Rolfe has been going to E3 along with the Screwattack crew and had partaken in some videos covering the event.

This year, a decision was made to have James Rolfe do a couple quick E3 videos… as the Angry Video Game Nerd.

God shoot me.

Here are a few quips:

“I’m surrounded by electronic video games. I didn’t even know they still made video games.” You know, I think James Rolfe is an exceptional entertainer at times, but that has to be one of the stupidest lines I’ve ever heard. Really? You didn’t know they still make video games? This is bordering IG-levels of incomptence.

So he shows off the line for the Nintendo 3DS and whines about how he’s not standing in line. Not yet… I think he’s on cruise control with this. At least when Screwattack showed off the long-ass line to try out the Wii a few years back, it was mildly entertaining. But the Nerd just points to a crowd and whines about not wanting to wait… What’s the point?

He shows off Donkey Kong Country Returns… which is actually the first time I’ve heard of it. And from what I can tell, it looks really nice and similar in style to the SNES games of old… but much cleaner and more vibrant.

“Since when did Diddy Kong use a fucking jetpack?” What does it matter? Since when did Mario wear a Penguin suit?

The last one he played was Donkey Kong 64… yeah, so? That was my last one too before the series turned to Mario-Minis and Kongo Bongo games.

“Does anybody know what a Skyward Sword is?” Um… yeah. It’s a sword… that’s skyward.

The Nerd would like to see a dark grim-and-gritty Zelda game… at this point, I would like to kick his head in. The urge is rising. You know, Hudson and Konami tried that with Bomberman a few years back and that game was FUCKING HORRIBLE.

Kirby: Epic Yarn… wow, now that’s a rather neat concept, judging from the screenshots. But why spend 20 seconds on the damn name? Are you kidding me? Really? Ladies and Gentleman, we have dipped far below IG-levels of stupidity… I mean, that barrier has been penetrated. Un-fucking-believable.

And that’s just Day 1. I tried watching his other two E3 videos and I just want to shoot myself after doing so. This is absolutely horrendous. Pure donkey shit is what I’d call it. Unbelievable.

You want an entertaining E3 overview? Check out Classic Game Room. Mark does awesome stuff… and has unhealthy obsessions with Cosmic Carnage and flamethrowers… but I actually enjoyed that.

Okay, okay… it should be noted that in addition to the AVGNE3 Trilogy of Shit, James also appeared in a couple of the Screwattack recap videos where he appears as himself and not the Nerd persona. Why he couldn’t have done this (be himself and not the fucking overrated Nerd) with the GT videos – I don’t know… maybe it was a GT decision. Still kinda stupid.

But yeah… Classic Game Room.

AVGN has lost it…

You know the angry reviewer shtick is lost on you when the guy who originated the concept is no longer interesting.

Case in point: AVGN’s Cheetahmen episode was informative and filled with gameplay for Cheetahmen, the unreleased Cheetahmen II, and the Genesis version of Action 52, but as informative as it was, it was also pretty damn boring. I don’t know; maybe it’s just me, but AVGN’s recent stuff has been somewhat lame as of late. Just seeing this guy attempt to be angry is becoming damn-near embarrassing. Just about the only guy I’ve seen who could convincingly pull off the angry gimmick is Dr. Ashen – doesn’t scream or bellow to get his point across, but  does convey anger in a way that is both funny and not ridiculous.

So, sorry, James. Less quantity didn’t bring out more quality.

This will lead to a rant on the angry reviewer cycle soon. Just wait.

Shot at the AVGN And Clones

YouTuber Asalieri thinks Nostalgia Critic jumped the shark and after a few more posts, I somehow came up with this reply (split into two bits but lovingly re-assembled for your reading displeasure… and yes, this is how I actually feel and not some attempt to be a dick):

I pretty much gave up on NC months ago due to general lack of interest. I mean, you can only watch him pull Big-Lipped Alligator Moments so many times before it gets boring. That, and I’ve been slowly veering away from anyone clinging to the ridiculous “angry reviewer” gimmick like it’s gold or something. It’s sad seeing these guys attempt to be angry by screaming their lungs out and using colorful analogies that make no sense whatsoever. There’s a difference between being angry and being ridiculous. And a good majority of these “angry reviewers” tend to be ridiculous… and yes, that includes the internet darling, AVGN.

I also don’t care for any attempts at adding “narratives” or “storylines” to a review – not strictly a Critic thing, but it’s something common with most of the TGWTG. That’s what really turns me off over the constant crossovers and obligatory masturbatory meme fillers. What’s the point of these storylines other than to distract from the review or utter pretense of a review? It’s ridiculous. If they want to do storylines, they should keep them separate from the reviews… or don’t do them at all. I kind of expect this act of stupidity from the Bores, not from anyone remotely competent.

TWO walls of text… wonder how many people will bother to read through this?

By the way, flame shields are up. Red Alert. Arm the photon torpedoes.

Mega Man 9 Hates You, But What About 10?

Source: http://www.giantbomb.com/news/mega-man-9-hates-me/306/

A clip of Giant Bomb writer Jeff Gerstmann reactions at failing at Mega Man 9 before beating Galaxy Man and declaring himself king of the world. Makes me wonder how he’ll handle Mega Man 10, which is supposed to be out today on WiiWare.

(2023 Update: The page itself is still active on GiantBomb, but I have trouble loading up the video. Probably an issue on my end. I’ll leave the link up for you to try out. Maybe you’ll have better luck than me.)

An Underwhelming Effort, Mr. Bores

I wrote this brief blurb on my other site, under DTM Blog Post #1189

This was my thoughts on Chris “Irate Gamer” Bores’ then-latest entry into his long-running (read: takes forever for him to put out) History Of Video Games series. Note the part at the end where I’d say that I’d ignore him to the foreseeable future and think about how long that stuck… not that long, I’m afraid.

No break, this time. It’s not that long of a piece anyway.

So the Irate Gamer, after months of delay due to hard drive failures and other excuses, has finally uploaded the second part of his “History of video Games” series… which is just a review of the Magnavox Odyssey… and it’s supposedly split into two parts. Now I’ve seen the episode and… yes, it seems like I’m falling asleep.

You know what? I try to give the guy a chance. I really do. Despite all the bad rap he gets, I figure I give him a chance and hope he somehow redeems himself. Sure, people call him a knock-off and a plagiarist… and sure, he gets a good chunk of his information wrong, but even after all that, I was willing to give him a chance in hopes that maybe, just maybe he’d produce a product that goes beyond the usual sloppy servings he had uploaded as of late.

Guess what? It hasn’t happened.

Maybe it’s just me… but isn’t the point of a “History Of…” to touch on important events in a timely manner? I’d figure it’d be the best thing to do and easy to mock up. So why am I getting reviews of Space War (not even the actual version, but a random Flash version) and Computer Space when they should just be significant footnotes in the story? Why am I getting a review of the Magnavox Odyssey when it’s supposed to be a historical retrospect? And why, for the love of God, are we getting TWO PARTS of this?! Just discuss the console a bit and move on! This is supposed to be a HISTORY RETROSPECT!

It should be noted that the Angry Video Game Nerd already did a review (2011 Update: more of a general overview than a review) of the Magnavox Odyssey and he only took ten minutes to review most of the necessary components outside of the light gun, which he demonstrated its use by shooting at the TV. Now there’s probably more to the Odyssey than that, but the Nerd’s review was advertised as that… a review. (2011 Update: again, more of an overview than a review… and I could have done without the stupid Nerd Terd or whatever it’s supposed to be called.)

Now, I’m not going to declare myself a hater or anything like that – but I am simply going to ignore the man for the foreseeable future. Until he can produce something that is actually worth my time, I’m not going to bother anymore. (2011 Update: said ignoring was ignored.)

Sorry, Chris. But you fail.

(2011 Update: To be fair, later installments did drop the “review” format and just go through various items and games quickly… the accuracy of the information is questionable, but this series is mostly harmless and if anything, has sometimes inspired me to look up some of the historical points online.)

NicotineAlien's been suspended again – coutesy of GERM MAN NAY

For those who don’t know, NicotineAlien is the second alias of game reviewer Armake21. No reasons have been given for this latest closure, although I suspect it has something to do with his hilarious commentary of Uwe Boll’s House of the Dead movie.

Oh well and he was just about ready to get his old shit back up.