Why No Star Wars News?

May The 4th came and went… and apparently, they announced some stuff for new Star Wars streaming shows or something like that. I wouldn’t know. I didn’t check. I didn’t care enough to look it up. So how did I celebrate Star Wars day?

I didn’t.

I spent the morning cooking up lunch, then the afternoon doing some cleaning while the Backlash show was playing in the background, and in the evening, I just did some family stuff before finding time to some quick dubs for future things. Sunday was spent with family dinner, went out for some stuff, and did other things… yeah, not the most exciting weekend, but it kept me occupied and I didn’t have to worry about any upcoming Star Wars news for things that I don’t care about. So if I don’t get excited about the things that you get excited about and this upsets you for some reason… maybe the problem is you and not me.

I don’t need a “Star Wars Day” to celebrate Star Wars or do Star Wars things. I can do Star Wars things any other day and it wouldn’t make much of a difference. There’s no one time of the year where I “need” to watch or do some Star Wars stuff. I can do that stuff whenever. Hell, I might watch Star Wars on Star Trek day… what do you think about that?

Anyway, I don’t know why I was compelled to write this blurb… I should probably tend to the pup.

I Couldn’t Tell You How To Grieve Because I’m Not Sure How Myself

Today marks a month since Sacha left us.

I still think of her everyday.

I still shed tears.

I still miss her.

I have never been good at grief. I have never been good at managing emotions. I have a bit of a temper. Not the temper you see around these parts because that’s mostly for show… but I do flare up over trivial things. And when it comes to the big emotional things… well, that’s the stuff that overwhelms me.

You want to say that you’re prepared for the day when a loved one passes. It’s an inevitability. But the truth is you’re never prepared. You’re never sure how you’re going to react until it happens and when it does finally happen, that’s when you realize that you’re not prepared. Especially if it’s someone who’s close. Especially if they’re a constant part of your life.

In the days since she left us, I’ve been looking online for ways to cope with my grief. Every day, I wrote a little something to express my pain. Some of what I wrote can be somewhat distressing… but what I can tell you is that what’s written on paper (or in this case, a online blog post) pales in comparison to the emotion behind those words. The feelings expressed in those posts undersell my actual emotional state at the time I wrote them.

I eventually got around to gather every video and photo that I had of Sacha on hand – scattered across multiple memory cards, hard drives, and my slowly falling apart Galaxy A5 – and I’ve been putting them together onto a single flash drive. Some of this stuff has graced this online space – whether it’d be videos made for the channel or the smattering of photos uploaded onto this blog… but a good chunk of this stuff hasn’t seen the light of day. Hell, a lot of this stuff I’ve seen for the first time in years, practically covering her entire lifespan.

Some of that stuff eventually became part of the Sacha tribute video that I put together and posted a couple weeks ago… but there’s a lot of stuff that’s still on the cutting room floor. It’s stuff that I would like to eventually share with everyone. It’s the only time that I’m more than willing to open up a part of my life… something that I’ve resistant to do in the past because I’m more of a private person.

I want to say that this gets easier over time… but it doesn’t. If anything, it becomes harder to bare.

Grief is a complex creature. It’s not something that is easily figured out. It’s not something that is easily resolved. It’s a process. And sometimes, that process can take a long time to get over. Hell, chances are it’s something you’ll never get over. That’s not a weakness or a failing. That’s a sign of how much that loved one meant to you, of how much they’ve had an affect on you. There’s no surefire way of handling grief, no one way to overcome that emotional burden. Everyone has their own way. Everyone has their own pace. Just because something works for one person doesn’t mean it works for you. It’s not a matter of “If I can do it, so can you” because nobody is wired the same way.

How each of us grieve is something that is unique to us. It’s not something that has a straightforward answer nor is it something that’s easy to figure out. Some folks find a way to grieve and eventually start to feel like their old selves. Others don’t quite make it over the hump, but will often hide it as to not upset anyone else. Some folks need a helping hand in getting over that hump while others could and probably would prefer to manage it themselves. There’s no singular right way to deal with grief and the only person who could truly figure this shit out is you.

However you get there… however long it takes… eventually, you’ll get there.

Remembering your loved ones, remembering all the good times you had, and keeping that memory alive… however you do that… that’s one way of showing how they affected you. Passing that love and care to others… that’s another. Or maybe that’s all the same thing.

Like I said, I’m not good at the grieving thing. Never was.

But I’m sure that sooner or later… I’ll get there.

However long it takes…

Dear Sacha…

Hey, Sacha.

How’re you doing today?

It’s been a few days since I last saw you…
A few days since you’ve left us…
Are you doing well?

Did you pee on the pearly gates?
Did you hump any clouds?
Did you find one cloud that is comfortable to lay in?

Most of all… are you feeling any better?

I want to believe that you are…
I want to believe that you’re in a better place…
I want to believe that your days of suffering has ended…

I want to believe that…
I want to believe that so that I sleep well at night…

But every day I wake up on this world…
Is another day knowing that you’re not around…

And that makes me sad…

Oh, Sacha…
How I miss you dearly.


Family thought about getting another dog…
I’m not too keen on the idea…
Not because I don’t like having a dog around…
It’s been a little quiet around these parts…

But here’s the thing…
I don’t want another dog…
I want my dog back…
I want my friend back…

I miss her so much…

And to just replace her with another one?
So soon?
It wouldn’t be fair to the new kid…
Especially if I’m still missing the old one.

The pain is still there…
The grief is still there…
I can’t just set it aside…
I need a little more time…

A little more time…

More time…

Oh, Sacha…

How I miss you…


It’s been 72 hours since my friend left this world…
And yet the hole in my heart still remains…
Others have seemingly gotten over the pain…
Seemingly moved on with their lives…
Seemingly putting up a front to hide their feelings…
So why can’t I do these thing?

Why does my heart still ache for my lost friend?
Why do tears still flow from my eyes days later?
Why do happy memories not ease my pain?
Why do I still cry over my missing friend?

I woke up this morning and saw the sun shine bright…
I step outside to feel the cool yet gentle breeze…
I go on with my day, making a note to take the dog for a walk…
Only to realize that there is no longer a dog to walk…
And then I am overwhelmed with grief…

Oh, Sacha…
Why did you have to go?
Why did you have to leave us so soon?
Why couldn’t you have stayed a little while longer?
Your gentle warmth and love is sorely missed…
And the world is all the worse without it…

I want to move on…
I really do…
But I don’t know how…
And I don’t know…
If I ever could…

Got The Day Off… But Do I Really Want It?

Was given Friday off…
Figured it was a way to grieve…
Question is…
Do I really want that time off?
Will it really help?

The more time I have to myself…
The more time I have to dwell…
And the more time I have to dwell…
The more I realize…
That my friend is no longer here.

And that’s when it hurts the most.