AVGN 100

I had a blog entry ready for this, but I’m going to hold on that. Instead, here’re some comments I posted on a YouTube channel;

No, I don’t think it’s hasty or mean at all to say that IG’s ROB video is better than AVGN’s ROB video. I think it’s the truth. And if you enjoyed parts of it or even the whole thing, good for you. I’m glad you got some enjoyment out of it. But like I said in a previous comment, this practically tore my soul away. It depressed me to no end. In fact, this could very well be the one that kills off any interest I had remaining in the AVGN series. And this is coming from someone who has been following this series since its online debut in 2006. Even when the quality started to wane and I began to lose interest in the [angry reviewing] genre, I’d still watch some AVGN. But now…? Why bother? It seems that for the 100th episode, he decides to go down a path others have gone… and fail so miserably that it hurts.

Whatever remote sliver of credibility AVGN had as a reviewer DIED with this video. Whatever spark of creativity that was present with the AVGN series DIED with this video. There is no way in hell anyone can convince me that James Rolfe has the creative drive to push the series to new heights when, for the 100th episode, he opts to rehash the “Evil ROB” horseshit that has been DONE TO DEATH already. It’s especially telling when the Irate Gamer does a BETTER job with exposition and narrative for a NOTHING episode than Rolfe did for his hundredth. This episode makes the Crazy Castle episode seem like Citizen Kane in comparison!

And if this crap is what he considers to be a worthy 100th episode, then I absolutely DREAD what he has in store for the upcoming AVGN movie.

Note To Motherfucking Mike Fucking Matei: Shut Fucking The Fuck Up

So Mike Matei uploaded yet another high-larious (by which I mean otherwise) ad-enabled glitch video, this time showing off a couple glitches from the first two Mega Man games. The subject matter piqued my interest and the narrator’s incessent usage of adding “fucking” every ten seconds pretty much killed my interest.

Look, if you’re trying to show off something cool, then that’s cool. But try to do it without sounding like a fucking idiot. That will turn people off… the fanboys will eat it up nicely, but I’d be hard pressed to refer to them as actual living people.

Sorry, kids. It’s the truth.

Note for future reference; don't cameo Angry Joe… ever.

Usually, I like sitting through a Linkara video… when he sticks with the “review” portion and doesn’t go into zany “storyline” bits where he plays a billion characters or whatever. Those are pretty bad, but when it comes to the main review bits, he makes them fairly humorous and enjoyable… and he doesn’t use very naughty words, which is quite refreshing for once.

So recently, I tried watching the Linkara review for the Justice League: Cry For Justice mini-series… the latest video, I think it was. And after the obligatory ad, the first thing I saw was Angry Joe.

Then I pushed the Back button on Chrome.

Make of that as you will.

Mike Matei Jumps The 1-1 Flagpole… And You Watch Ads

Original link: http://www.cinemassacre.com/2011/01/12/how-to-jump-the-flagpole-on-stage-1-in-super-mario-bros/

Okay, you know what? I have to admit; that’s a rather neat little trick to pull off and it’s probably worth replicating for those with plenty of time and patience on their hands. It was a rather nice waste of ninety seconds. I like that.

What I don’t like is having to sit through a thirty second ad to watch a video that’s only three times as long, and another ad that’s also pretty long after the end of the video. I can understand putting in ads for longer videos and whathaveyou, but for short stuff like, disable the damn ads. What’s being shown here is pretty cool, but not worth the extra minute worth of ads I have to sit through.

Free entertainment holds no weight here – there’s lots of free entertainment out there and chances are there’s probably an equivalent video to what’s featured here without the ads. Even if it’s a lower quality…

But all negativity aside… that’s a neat trick, Mike. Hope you’ll do more of these… without the ads.

Super Junior beats John Cena and SpoonyOne in MASHABLES

Super Junior, a Korean boy band whose name could easily pass for a luchador’s name, won the Mashable Awards’ Must Follow Personality award, beating the likes of John Cena and Noah “SpoonyOne” Antwiler. While Cena couldn’t overcome the odds in this category, he can take solice in two things:

1 – He still won the Mashable Award for “Most Influencial Social Good Champion Sponsored by Yahoo.”

2 – Spoony didn’t win. Therefore, no inane victory speech from him.

Oh well. Back to not caring.

Pointless Preview, Bores….

I’m not going to start a diatribe on Chris Bores; pretty much everyone has a set opinion on him. So I’ll cut to the chase.

GotGame recently redid their website (a much needed redo, in my opinion, as the previous design was terrible) and of course, Bores has produced an Irate Gamer Neo episode on God of War III. The whole vid lasts roughly a minute and a half and doesn’t really say much as to merit a look.

On his Youtube channel, Bores posted a “preview” video for that new episode, which lasts about 45 seconds… that’s right. A 0:45 preview video for a 1:45 video review… that’s pretty sad, man.

IG Updates His Site… Somewhat

Chris “The Irate Gamer” Bores recently updated his website’s design. Don’t know who Chris Bores is? Look him up; I’m not a damned biographer. And I’m not going into the whole controversy that surrounds him. I just want to talk about his website and nothing more.

It’s a minor change on the main page; moving the navigation buttons from the side to the top and minor moving around of certain bits and pieces. Aside from that, it’s not a huge update.

How long has he had this site template for? Roughly four years. I think it’s about time that he went ahead and overhauled this thing. He says that he’s upgrading the production values of his videos by going into HD – not to mention that he’s going to ask people for a new logo (which I never, EVER liked – just a rather bland and unimpressive logo) – why not follow suit with an all-new site upgrade that is much more presentable and cleaner than what he has now?

As it is, the site looks plain; basically like it was thrown together on one of those Yahoo Pagebuilder things back when Geocities was still up and running many years ago. The coding has to be messed up as well because I can recall several occasions where just entering his website would CRASH MY BROWSER. This has nothing to do with a weak-ass browser – the site is generally plain in its design, lacking any sophisticated flash apps that would slow down a weak computer, with not much thought put into it… AND YET IT CRASHES MY BROWSER.

Now admittedly, it doesn’t happen as often these days… but it’s still a worry every time I go to his site… and I hardly ever go there because of that reason… well, that and he hardly ever updates the thing.

So yeah, I’d definitely be in favor of a new web design for Bores’ website. I’d suggest switching to a blog-style design since that tends to be easier to update and manage. And people can comment on your various posts.

But on the other hand, this being Bores, that’s probably not going to happen.

The Angry Video Game Nerd Takes On Zelda II

For the most part, the complaints are valid and as a whole, the episode was okay. However, the jokes were lame and predictable (Pee Bag, that fucking Glitch Gremlin) and the anger was lacking. Seems like he forgot to be angry.

So yeah, overall, a fine episode. Let’s hope next month’s episode is about a BAD game and not mixed bag games, game glitches, or Action 52… especially since Armake21 did a fine job of covering that game.