Work Of Genius

Somebody commented on the Angry Joe vlog I did a year and a half ago… something about an apology for expressing my thoughts about an incident involving Joe’s attempts at an interview during the Spike VGAs…

The fact that people are still commenting on this is absolutely amazing.

No, I don’t owe Joe an apology. Joe’s been doing just fine without it…

The Game Room, Sucka!

I was going to post a quick update on some plans I got going on, but then I came across this little gem: the old Game Room site from 2000 thanks to that fangled Wayback Machine on the Internet archive. It’s a nice little historical curiosity to see the show’s humble online roots before falling victim to the dot com bust and eventually seeing a revival that is still going strong to this day.

Pity none of the video links work. Would have been nice to be able to check out the original Game Room episodes as they were originally aired back in the day rather than the remastered versions aired on YouTube… but still, it’s a bit of history.

Boldly Fleeing…

The trailer for TGWTG’s 4th Anniversary special… To Boldly Flee, it’s called… it’s come out… and anyone who has followed this blog or seen my past videos on their prior efforts know how critical I’ve been…

Well, they say third time’s a charm… technically, it’s the fourth time, but I choose not to count the 1st Anniversary Brawl since that was more low key and stupid fun. You know what? This looks like it could be better than the prior efforts from Channel Awesome… Admittedly, that’s not really saying much when the prior efforts were about as depressing as those Seltzerberg parody films… but apparently, they might be going a different direction with this one, apparently a character study on Doug Walker’s Nostalgia Critic character… and if that’s the case, then this might have a chance at being the first genuinely GOOD feature project that Channel Awesome has put out since… well, ever.

This might even be one that would be enjoyed by even casual viewers such as myself. I’m actually interested… genuinely interested, that is… in seeing how this one turns out. And not just to see how much of Spoony is kept in the movie since his controversial departure from the site.

And if this turns out to be another dud to round out the trilogy of duds from Channel Awesome… well, there’s always The Proxy. That one turned out pretty good.

A Sad Truth posted former DVD extra of young Jimmy Rolfe “reviewing” video games, which seems more like running commentary than actual reviewing. Watching this video, a sad truth comes to mind;

Little Jimmy Rolfe is a better reviewer and more entertaining than the Angry Video Game Nerd.

What’s this? An AVGN Sketch That’s Actually GOOD???

Primarily focused on the Nintendo World Championship 1990, considered the “Holy Grail” of video games and featuring that NES Punk fellow, Pat. Although it is not the simple back-to-basics episode that was promised, this wasn’t the overblown, overbloated creative abortion like prior AVGN sketch episodes were. It didn’t use crummy special effects, the terrible acting was tolerable, and the narrative wasn’t outlandish. Probably the best AVGN sketch episodes I’ve seen.

(2024 Update: Too much hyper hyperbole? Anyway, replaced the old GameTrailers link with the actual video so you can see for yourself.)

Check out OneUpGamer's Latest Review

Some folks might recall a 2-part commentary that I did for a Back To The Future NES review by YT 1up Gamer. I recall being amused by the poor quality yet humorous narrative that seemed to override the rather lackluster review segment. Anyway, about a week ago, he posted his most recent review for an unlocalized NES game called Spy Vs. Spy II and… what a drastic improvement compared to his earlier stuff. A solid review and a rather enjoyable tongue-in-cheek narrative… the production has gotten a significant upgrade since then and it shows.

I’ll probably post my commentary for his Gremlins II review (now a Frankenstein commentary of sorts considering the amount of add-ons made to this thing) tomorrow, but in the meantime, give this kid a view by clicking the link below.

I salute you, sir.

Coming Up… Bores Takes A Shot At Robocop… What, Again?

So for the next Irate Gamer video (a rarity if there ever was one), our old buddy, old pal Christopher is going to take a gander at Robocop for the NES…

Wait a minute, didn’t he do this one?

Oh wait… yes, he did.

Actually, I don’t think this is a big deal or anything. There’s no written rule saying that you can’t revisit something that you did before… otherwise, any remake out there would be tossed out the window.

I’m actually quite curious as to whether he’ll stick with the first game or venture onto the sequels… some will likely wonder if he’ll actually post said video next week as advertised.

Jimmy is bitching about DVDs again

Why don’t you give him a few views to see him bitch about DVD cases again?


EDIT: Some time later, I posted the following comment on the video question… obviously, more calmer and less rambling than my initial statement.

As far as the video goes, I felt this was an unnecessary rehash of the first Bullshit video and not as enjoyable. Watching the video, I thought, “Okay, fine. DVD cases are bullshit. Fine, we know that. Next.”

I thought the first revisit on the topic (Episode 11, I believe) more than covered all the reasonings as to why anything DVD-related (cases, endless splash screens, etc) might be bullshit, but this really added nothing new. Maybe the next Bullshit video was cover something new instead of something old… or is it blue?

Sorry, James. Not feeling this one.

If You Can't Think Of A Good April Fools' Joke, Do An Irate Gamer Parody!

Guru Larry did a jokie video about Irate Gamer joining Blistered Thumbs… which was promptly removed from the BT site. Probably the first smart thing that Joe has done… maybe he isn’t that big of an idiot, after all.

Meanwhile, Linkara throws not ONE, but THREE jokey videos.

The first is a review of One More Day… which is just a minute of his bear sitting on a couch. Already, that bear is a far better reviewer than Linkara is these days.

The second review is on an issue of Titans. Here’s a summary; opening credits, short pause, IT SUCKS, end credits. Quite possibly the BEST Linkara video I’ve seen in years.

Finally, the main event joke, where he reviews the first issue of Hamilton Comics’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic… oh wait, he’s doing an Irate Gamer parody. How droll.

What? Was Gamedude too sophisticated for you chuckleheads?