Impact (May 23rd, 2024) – No One Likes The Hollywood Hunk (Also Last Musings For A While)

So, as the header of this post implies, this is going to be my last weekly Impact musings… and no, the show hasn’t sucked that bad to scare me off.

On the contrary, the past 19 weeks worth of Impact viewing has been a fun ride that more than made up for the latter half of 2023 when I was revisiting old NWA-TNA PPVs and ultimately regretting it. And while there have been some less than thrilling episodes of Impact that left me with little to say, for the most part, the show has remained a consistent, easy-to-watch two hours of wrestling action. Probably the nicest surprise I got this year was being able to sit through nearly 3-4 months of TNA Impact and actually enjoying it. Imagine that scenario.

That said, I’ve reached the point where… while I’m more than content to continue watching the show on a weekly basis, there is no real need for me to continue to write about the show on a weekly basis, especially when there are episodes that has me saying very little and I’m just posting something up out of obligation. And I don’t want to do that because it feels like I’m not giving my all. Also, with the blog officially being opened up, there’s going to be a need to work on stuff for that in the future and part of that involves lessening the wrestling output. Yes, this is one of those things that gets quite a bit of coverage on this blog, but it’s not the only thing and I want to highlight some other stuff of interest going forward.

So this is the episode I’m ending this weekly run on. After this, if there’s an episode that I want to touch on, I’ll do so… but we’re not doing the weekly thing anymore. Too much, too soon, all that jazz.

Let’s get into it.

Show opens with Broken Matt Hardy and Ryan Nemeth defeated Tag champs Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers in a pretty fun match, which would prompt Santino to reward them with a tag title bout at Against All Odds (a TNA+ special). However, Broken Matt remembers the last time he held tag team gold and decides he’d rather challenge MOOSE for his title instead… or maybe he really, really doesn’t want to tag with the Hollywood Hunk. Fortunately, Nic Nemeth is back to tag with his brother, though I’m sure he’d rather be anywhere else but here… like whatever Joe Hendry’s doing nowadays.

Speaking of Joe Hendry, he gets a match with Eddie Edwards for the next show and a small bit here… This is the biggest star in all of TNA and you’re using him in a small bit here to tease a match later down the road? Is Tony Khan booking this shit too?

Jordynne Grace retained her Knockouts title in a short match over Marti Belle, which brings out Allysin Kay to bring the beatdown on Grace. Haven’t seen the likes of Marti or Kay since the ol’ NWA days, so glad to see them still doing stuff here and there. Grace looks fine as usual.

Main event saw Trent Seven defeat “Speedball” Mike Bailey in a great match to earn a shot at Mustafa Ali’s X-Division championship.  Other matches include Cody Deaner/Jake Something getting a win over the Good Hands as well as Tasha Steelz beating Jodi threat in a match that also features the Rancid guy.

All in all, a perfectly fine show that continues the string of perfectly fine and easy to consume wrestling product that I’m more than happy to continue watching… you’re just not going to hear about it any time soon… anyway, it’s been a fun ride, but the wrestling moratorium for next month is coming up and we’ll see if we pick things up afterwards (probably not because there’ll be other stuff going on and I don’t want this to be a purely wrestling output.)

Thanks for the readings. See you soon.

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