ReviewTechUSA Interviews El Reg Reporter Who Killed Ataribox (Not Really)

Courtesy of Rich of ReviewTechUSA, an interview with the man, the myth, the legend that is The Register’s own Kieren McCarthy, the so-called vulture who interviewed the Atari people about the Ataribox, wrote a hilarious yet brutally honest article about the lack of information regarding the product that Atari eventually claimed was a troll tactic, which prompted El Reg to release the full audio interview to the Interwebs, which has caused a significant stall in the Ataribox campaign.

On June 23, at 2 a.m., the campaign had reached $2,922,479, which was probably the highest it had reached up to this point. Roughly four days later at this very moment, it went down to $2,909,555. There’s always a possibility that the campaign will break three million – a lot can happen in three days, after all – and despite this mishap, the project has already made its money, so they should be ready to go.

But after hearing about Atari’s other failed ventures and abandoned concepts, I’m even more skeptical than before as to whether they can or even will pull this off. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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