Ataribox After-Action Report: The Weekend Plundge

June 23 12:43 A.M. EST: $2,922,414
June 23 02:00 A.M. EST: $2,922,479
June 23 10:20 A.M. EST: $2,921,744
June 23 02:08 P.M. EST: $2,919,299
June 23 08:48 P.M. EST: $2,917,746
June 23 10:42 P.M. EST: $2,917,812
June 24 01:43 A.M. EST: $2,917,669
June 24 11:30 A.M. EST: $2,917,584
June 24 01:00 P.M. EST: $2,919,329
June 24 06:00 P.M. EST: $2,918,512
June 24 07:21 P.M. EST: $2,917,800
June 24 08:08 P.M. EST: $2,917,517
June 25 10:26 A.M. EST: $2,916,511
June 25 03:05 P.M. EST: $2,914,154
June 25 06:55 P.M. EST: $2,912,723
June 25 10:26 P.M. EST: $2,911,510
June 26 01:38 A.M. EST: $2,911,021
June 26 02:32 A.M. EST: $2,910,657
The Ataribox campaign hit a bit of a snag after the whole register debacle and actually saw a considerable drop over the weekend… and this during a time when I thought this would be the weekend where it finally breaks that three million mark.
Unless there is some miracle last-minute burst of investors jumping in on the final day of the campaign, I think it’s safe to say that this thing won’t be making Ouya numbers anytime soon. In any event, all that’s left to do is wait and see if we actually have a new Ataribox next year in retail stores.

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