Mike Matei Jumps The 1-1 Flagpole… And You Watch Ads

Original link: http://www.cinemassacre.com/2011/01/12/how-to-jump-the-flagpole-on-stage-1-in-super-mario-bros/

Okay, you know what? I have to admit; that’s a rather neat little trick to pull off and it’s probably worth replicating for those with plenty of time and patience on their hands. It was a rather nice waste of ninety seconds. I like that.

What I don’t like is having to sit through a thirty second ad to watch a video that’s only three times as long, and another ad that’s also pretty long after the end of the video. I can understand putting in ads for longer videos and whathaveyou, but for short stuff like, disable the damn ads. What’s being shown here is pretty cool, but not worth the extra minute worth of ads I have to sit through.

Free entertainment holds no weight here – there’s lots of free entertainment out there and chances are there’s probably an equivalent video to what’s featured here without the ads. Even if it’s a lower quality…

But all negativity aside… that’s a neat trick, Mike. Hope you’ll do more of these… without the ads.

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