IG Updates His Site… Somewhat

Chris “The Irate Gamer” Bores recently updated his website’s design. Don’t know who Chris Bores is? Look him up; I’m not a damned biographer. And I’m not going into the whole controversy that surrounds him. I just want to talk about his website and nothing more.

It’s a minor change on the main page; moving the navigation buttons from the side to the top and minor moving around of certain bits and pieces. Aside from that, it’s not a huge update.

How long has he had this site template for? Roughly four years. I think it’s about time that he went ahead and overhauled this thing. He says that he’s upgrading the production values of his videos by going into HD – not to mention that he’s going to ask people for a new logo (which I never, EVER liked – just a rather bland and unimpressive logo) – why not follow suit with an all-new site upgrade that is much more presentable and cleaner than what he has now?

As it is, the site looks plain; basically like it was thrown together on one of those Yahoo Pagebuilder things back when Geocities was still up and running many years ago. The coding has to be messed up as well because I can recall several occasions where just entering his website would CRASH MY BROWSER. This has nothing to do with a weak-ass browser – the site is generally plain in its design, lacking any sophisticated flash apps that would slow down a weak computer, with not much thought put into it… AND YET IT CRASHES MY BROWSER.

Now admittedly, it doesn’t happen as often these days… but it’s still a worry every time I go to his site… and I hardly ever go there because of that reason… well, that and he hardly ever updates the thing.

So yeah, I’d definitely be in favor of a new web design for Bores’ website. I’d suggest switching to a blog-style design since that tends to be easier to update and manage. And people can comment on your various posts.

But on the other hand, this being Bores, that’s probably not going to happen.

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