AVGN has lost it…

You know the angry reviewer shtick is lost on you when the guy who originated the concept is no longer interesting.

Case in point: AVGN’s Cheetahmen episode was informative and filled with gameplay for Cheetahmen, the unreleased Cheetahmen II, and the Genesis version of Action 52, but as informative as it was, it was also pretty damn boring. I don’t know; maybe it’s just me, but AVGN’s recent stuff has been somewhat lame as of late. Just seeing this guy attempt to be angry is becoming damn-near embarrassing. Just about the only guy I’ve seen who could convincingly pull off the angry gimmick is Dr. Ashen – doesn’t scream or bellow to get his point across, but  does convey anger in a way that is both funny and not ridiculous.

So, sorry, James. Less quantity didn’t bring out more quality.

This will lead to a rant on the angry reviewer cycle soon. Just wait.

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