Shot at the AVGN And Clones

YouTuber Asalieri thinks Nostalgia Critic jumped the shark and after a few more posts, I somehow came up with this reply (split into two bits but lovingly re-assembled for your reading displeasure… and yes, this is how I actually feel and not some attempt to be a dick):

I pretty much gave up on NC months ago due to general lack of interest. I mean, you can only watch him pull Big-Lipped Alligator Moments so many times before it gets boring. That, and I’ve been slowly veering away from anyone clinging to the ridiculous “angry reviewer” gimmick like it’s gold or something. It’s sad seeing these guys attempt to be angry by screaming their lungs out and using colorful analogies that make no sense whatsoever. There’s a difference between being angry and being ridiculous. And a good majority of these “angry reviewers” tend to be ridiculous… and yes, that includes the internet darling, AVGN.

I also don’t care for any attempts at adding “narratives” or “storylines” to a review – not strictly a Critic thing, but it’s something common with most of the TGWTG. That’s what really turns me off over the constant crossovers and obligatory masturbatory meme fillers. What’s the point of these storylines other than to distract from the review or utter pretense of a review? It’s ridiculous. If they want to do storylines, they should keep them separate from the reviews… or don’t do them at all. I kind of expect this act of stupidity from the Bores, not from anyone remotely competent.

TWO walls of text… wonder how many people will bother to read through this?

By the way, flame shields are up. Red Alert. Arm the photon torpedoes.

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