An Underwhelming Effort, Mr. Bores

I wrote this brief blurb on my other site, under DTM Blog Post #1189

This was my thoughts on Chris “Irate Gamer” Bores’ then-latest entry into his long-running (read: takes forever for him to put out) History Of Video Games series. Note the part at the end where I’d say that I’d ignore him to the foreseeable future and think about how long that stuck… not that long, I’m afraid.

No break, this time. It’s not that long of a piece anyway.

So the Irate Gamer, after months of delay due to hard drive failures and other excuses, has finally uploaded the second part of his “History of video Games” series… which is just a review of the Magnavox Odyssey… and it’s supposedly split into two parts. Now I’ve seen the episode and… yes, it seems like I’m falling asleep.

You know what? I try to give the guy a chance. I really do. Despite all the bad rap he gets, I figure I give him a chance and hope he somehow redeems himself. Sure, people call him a knock-off and a plagiarist… and sure, he gets a good chunk of his information wrong, but even after all that, I was willing to give him a chance in hopes that maybe, just maybe he’d produce a product that goes beyond the usual sloppy servings he had uploaded as of late.

Guess what? It hasn’t happened.

Maybe it’s just me… but isn’t the point of a “History Of…” to touch on important events in a timely manner? I’d figure it’d be the best thing to do and easy to mock up. So why am I getting reviews of Space War (not even the actual version, but a random Flash version) and Computer Space when they should just be significant footnotes in the story? Why am I getting a review of the Magnavox Odyssey when it’s supposed to be a historical retrospect? And why, for the love of God, are we getting TWO PARTS of this?! Just discuss the console a bit and move on! This is supposed to be a HISTORY RETROSPECT!

It should be noted that the Angry Video Game Nerd already did a review (2011 Update: more of a general overview than a review) of the Magnavox Odyssey and he only took ten minutes to review most of the necessary components outside of the light gun, which he demonstrated its use by shooting at the TV. Now there’s probably more to the Odyssey than that, but the Nerd’s review was advertised as that… a review. (2011 Update: again, more of an overview than a review… and I could have done without the stupid Nerd Terd or whatever it’s supposed to be called.)

Now, I’m not going to declare myself a hater or anything like that – but I am simply going to ignore the man for the foreseeable future. Until he can produce something that is actually worth my time, I’m not going to bother anymore. (2011 Update: said ignoring was ignored.)

Sorry, Chris. But you fail.

(2011 Update: To be fair, later installments did drop the “review” format and just go through various items and games quickly… the accuracy of the information is questionable, but this series is mostly harmless and if anything, has sometimes inspired me to look up some of the historical points online.)

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