DTM Gallery – Rejected Moon Montage

Some random clips of the “lost” Toonmakers’ Sailor Moon pilot make up the background while sad Moon from the 2003-2004 live drama sheds a tear. I don’t recall the actual date, but I’d imagine this was made during PGSM’s initial run, shortly after the debut of cat-turned-plush toy Luna in kid sailor fuku mode…

It’s safe to say that I wasn’t a fan of these kid characters because they’re generally done poorly, although in hindsight, calling Sailor Luna ugly when she was a kinda, sorta cute little kid may have been a bit much. It is what it is.

In hindsight, Sailor Luna was kinda cute and not ugly… so I don’t know where that came from.

Wallpaper – Darth Vader The Movie

Fits 640×480 desktop sizes.

The following blurb was written on September 5th, 2012:

A wallpaper manipulation from back in day reflecting a more accurate portrayal of the marketing behind the final film in the supposed prequel trilogy of Star Wars.

See, kids, as much as people want to praise the prequels for all their worth these days, Lucasfilm knew that the only reason anyone would give a flying flip about the final chapter of this was because it was going to be the first time we see Darth Vader in years. Nobody cared about the conclusion of the Clone Wars or the sorry excuse of a romance saga between Emo Anakin and Panda Bear, but rather we were gonna see Darth Vader on the big screen. Oh man, it’s gonna be so fucking epic!!

And then we saw the film… and Darth Vader appeared in the movie for all of two minutes… and those two minutes was all it took to systematically destroy the image of the Dark Lord of the Sith that had existed since he first appeared in cinemas back in 1977.

But that didn’t stop Lucasfilm and company from focusing the entire marketing campaign on Darth Vader; from the promos to the merchandise to everything. All for that fleeting appearance at the end of the film. Made to look like a complete fool.

Such a shame too.

DTM Webstation Splash Image (Webstation Blue)

December 19th, 2013 Notes
Been looking through some old Photoshop files and came across this little thing. This was the first thing you saw when you got into my old DTM Webstation webspace. A rather unremarkable design, but it kinda worked for the most part.

I remember a message that someone sent me wondering when the Webstation was coming back and I hadn’t really thought about it. Probably because in my mind, the Webstation was a concept that died ages ago and was supplanted by the Twisted Realm blog, which is the closest thing to a functional no-frills website that I had in years. I would think that the registering of the domain name and linking it here would have killed that idea dead.

Part of me misses the thrill of creating a website from scratch, though. Building your own template to suit your particular design tastes, learning the process, getting an eye for web design… it’s probably why I spent much of that website’s life span coming up with new formats and site designs, because every subsequent design was much “intelligently” designed than the last. But is it something that I would actually consider revisiting for old time’s sake?

Not really. I like the simplicity of the blog format, most of the painful stuff is taken care of, and all that needed to be done was just the tweaking of details. And really, nothing I can put together is going to compete with what’s out there… but then, I’m not really trying to compete. I’m merely content in my own corner of the world… wide web.

Good times, though… Good bloody times…