DTM Comics – Obscure Language

A potential future for the French Language as well as a meme-able image gets mashed together in this quick little TNG photo-comic thing… the first of what I’m hoping is many.

Some notes:

– Despite being a thriving country in the 24th century, French has been relegated to an obscure language spoken by very few people, much to the chagrin of Capt. Picard, who controls the skies according to Wil Wheaton. This explains why most Frenchmen have British accents.

– The Picard Double-Face-Palm Manuever first made its appearance in the TNG Season 3 episode, The Offspring.

– And yes, on a couple occasions, Picard did indeed say “merde” at least twice in the early seasons of TNG… and nobody chided him for his language because he was the Capt. Picard who controls the skies.

A Glimpse Into Past Fanwankery

A piece of troubled teenhood, when my days in high school were spent doodling quick little comics with such silly concepts and ideas as a crossover between Street Fighter characters and Power Rangers characters. The artwork, as seen above depicting Ryu freeing a Ranger from Bison’s energy tube thing, is crude and the story is perhaps more so, but it’s not a far-fetched idea from what’s being done with the phone game now.

And then I went ahead and turned it into an absurd fanfic that was eventually posted to the world and stuff. The funny thing was that at some point, I actually did try to piece together a more “serious” story that crossed over the universes of the Street Fighter II animated movie with the first MMPR feature film in a situation that allowed for a little more leeway than trying to work within the constrains of the bloated universes the source material became, but it never really went beyond the first couple chapters and even then… not much there to go on.

Maybe someday, I might post those up here if I still have them. I doubt that I do, but hey, something extra for the blog, I suppose.

DTM COMICS – For Want Of A Z-Pak…

So I forgot that this week, the CM Punk/WWE Doctor trial was a thing, what with all the hot stuff and… well, stuff. Anyway, I’m sure I’ll have something to say when the trial is over and done with, but in the meantime, here are a couple old “comics” I did ages ago. The first one was from 2015, but the second one is… well, I don’t seem to recall ever posting up here, but it was on my short-lived Twitter thing before I dropped it like a bad habit… not that there was much to drop in the first place, of course.