Closing Up Shop…

Bit of sad news around my neck of the woods, as the game merchant at the local swap meet will closing up shop after decades in business.

I hadn’t known about this until a chance trip yesterday. It’s been a while since I’ve been there due to other things coming up and when I got there, I noticed the area was considerably cleaner than before. Did the guy get robbed or something? But it turns out that he’s wrapping it up and… well, he had a big sale. Obviously missed out on some good stuff, but hey, I’ve got some stuff at least.

Obviously, I wished him all the best in whatever he decides to do next. I’m going to miss the occasional visits, just shooting the breeze, talking about our pets, and of course, getting some swag out of it.

So… that’s going to be a talking point on the Cast this coming Monday.

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