Twenty Five Years To The Day…

Twenty five years.

Two and a half decades.
It seems like an eternity ago.
And yet I remember it like it was yesterday.
I remember the day when the news broke. I watched it on TV.
The moment that wrestling broke from its bubble and became deadly real.
The moment when everything came to a stop and froze.
I remember the day Owen Hart died.
I can never forget that day.
Much as I try, it could never happen.
I could never go back to that day.
It just feels… wrong.
My time with Owen was short.
But it was memorable.
Even if it was distances apart.
And when I go back and watch Owen in better days…
It reminds me of how much I missed out…
And also of how much the world misses out today…
Perhaps nothing I offer will provide ample tribute.
But sometimes a simple “Thank You” will suffice.
You’re missed by many, Owen.
And we all thank you.

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