uDRAW Samplers

I’ve been experimenting with the uDRAW Tablet gimmick that Ubi-Soft released a few years back and I’ve uploaded some of these onto the blog. Rather than making individual posts for these things since they were all uploaded on the same day, I opted to instead compile them under one post. These samples can be viewed after the break.

A word of warning: don’t expect works of art with these as they were done very, very quickly.

Here’s the first sample I did. The program did come with some backgrounds that you can choose from to create your works of art. It’s not a bad deal at times…

Tried for something a little more complex… but not by much because, again, I’m just doing quick doodles with this thing.

Something a little different; the uDraw Studio also has some line art you can color in. And the coloring tools, while basic, at least work well enough.

Another uDraw sampler… and I’m wondering if maybe I should’ve taken screenshots from the footage I’ve captured instead.

This is where I tried to do proper line art and focus on getting some smooth lines. Clearly not happening any time soon.

Forgot about this one.

Maybe I can write cute little notes inspired by long-running past their prime animated series…

Another coloring book page… this is just a quick use of the paint bucket. Obviously missed a couple spots…

The card says it all… but in any event, tomorrow’s Sunday Gimmick Table is about this thing.

Unlike previous episodes, this will premier Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m.

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