Rumored Wrestlemania 33 Card

From, here’s the rumored Wrestlemania 33 card that’s been floating around recently. Plans are always subject to change and it’s possible that what we get could be different from what’s been rumored. I’ll save some further thoughts for after the break, but suffice it to say, I’m not exactly excited for this card.

The card is listed after the break.

WWE Universal Title Match
Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar

WWE Championship Match
Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton

Dumpster Fire Match
Roman Reigns vs. Undertaker

“May Or May Not Happen” Match
Triple H vs. Seth Rollins

United States Championship Match
Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens

Intercontinental Championship Match
Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler or Baron Corbin

Mixed Tag Match
John Cena & Nikki Bella vs. Miz & Maryse

Special Attraction Match
Big Show vs. Shaquille O’Neal

Fatal Four-Way For the Raw Women’s Championship
Charlotte vs. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax

“Nothing Better To Do” Match
AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon

Though not listed, it’s expected that the Smackdown Women’s Title as well as both sets of Tag Team Championships will be contested in some form or fashion. Also, there’s that Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal that they have nowadays because that’s a thing now.

So, yeah, if this is the card, color me lukewarm. I like that the IC title is being defended in a regular match and not in another ladder match. Big Show vs. Shaq could be the closest thing to seeing Shaq Fu live and in living color, so that could be interesting. I kinda wish Jericho vs. Owens was for the Universal title instead of the other two jabronis, the mixed tag match seems like a gigantic waste of John Cena, and the only way Roman vs. Taker isn’t going to be a bonfire waiting to happen is if they pull the trigger on that Roman turn.

Suddenly, I’m longing for another encounter between John Cena and Randy Orton for the WWE title… actually, on second thought, never mind. I’m not that desolate.

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