Your New Megazord… It Sucks Ass.

So let me get this out of the way; I’m not completely sold on the new suits, but I can give them a shot if they look good in motion. And the symbiotic nature of the morphing effect means that the designs make sense. So you know what? The suits are on the verge of so-so, but I’m fine with that. I’m not hoping for anything “traditional” or closer to the show. It should feel different without leaving a horrible taste in one’s mouth.

But good lord, does this Megazord design look like ass. Just an absolutely horrible abomination of a creative black hole. This is such a ghastly and unappealing design that it makes the cruddy CGI looking Ninja Megazord featured in the original Power Rangers movie from 1995 look like a work of art, for fuck’s sake.

Funny thing is that I was fine with that one Dinozord design that looked somewhat okay-ish, but this Megazord configuration? Goddamn, kid, this looks like shit.

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