BOOK REVIEW – The Rise And Fall Of ECW (2006)

Did you watch the Rise And Fall Of ECW DVD set that was released back in 2004? Then you pretty much know what to expect from WWE’s next attempt to cash in on the sudden ECW explosion with what is essentially the book version of that particular set. The book pretty much covers the territory that was already covered on the DVD, but also includes material talking about the One Night Stand PPV that took place in 2005; the show that everyone raved about and whose success resulted in a revival of ECW the following people that most people would wish hadn’t happened.

I got this on the cheap because it was on discount one time and for what it’s worth, it covers the same ground as the DVD in book form, which means you’ll get a nice look at the origins of ECW, what made it hip and popular, a look at some of the personalities that made ECW a thing (as well as interview blurbs with said personalities – or at least the ones contracted to WWE at the time), and the events that lead to the eventual fall of ECW. There’s also some extra bits not featured on the DVD and the book does touch on the first One Night Stand PPV in 2005.

There’s not much to say about this one. If you’ve seen the DVD, there’s very little “new” material that you’ll come across. It’s a fun little read, regardless. Blew through this one in a couple nights and better written than most of the WWE tripe I’ve come across. If you want a good book on ECW, this might be worth a shot, but you’re better off tracking down the DVD instead.

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