A little late but…

You know… I didn’t really react to this when I first saw it. Maybe if something like this was done ten years ago or so, I would have been shocked or something. But today? Not really. I’ll give you a couple reasons;

1 – The Spider-Man in question refers to Ultimate Spider-Man, the one that was floating around in Marvel’s Ultimate brand for about a decade or so. Marvel wouldn’t have the balls to kill off the traditional Spider-Man we all know and loved, despite the supposed big deal being made around the killing-off of one of the Fantastic Four (whom will no doubt be ressurected in a few months or so).

On a side note, I’m not making a big deal out of this whole “Three” storyline because it’s been done before. See Fantastic Four #381.

2 – In comics, characters never really stay dead. They’ll eventually come back in a few years or so. So if they pull this out, the only people who would give Marvel the reaction they’re looking for with this storyline are the folks who don’t know any better.

3 – We already had a Death of Spider-Man storyline. It’s called One More Day.

That’s it.

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