BOOK REVIEW – Dracula: The Un-Dead (2009)

Dracula: The Un-Dead is a miserable pile of wretch.

(Spoiler warning after the break)

I make a point to not give attention to things that I absolutely despise. Sometimes, I come across bad things. Sometimes, they annoy me. Sometimes, they may even anger me. But rarely do they ever make me wretch as much as this vile has done. And what makes it even sadder is that one of the authors of this book – Dacre Stoker – is the great-nephew of Bram Stoker, the author of the original Dracula novel that is still a fantastic read more than a century after its conception. And because of that family lineage, Dracula The Un-Dead is probably the closest thing you’re going to get to an official sequel to that novel.

And what do we get?

We get aspiring actor Quincy Harker – son of Jonathan and Mina Harker – aspiring actor who slowly uncovers secrets about his parents and their band of heroes who confronted the evil vampire count Dracula many years ago. We then see what became of those familiar characters and it’s not the least bit pleasant to say the least. Reading what became of these characters is almost like reading a shitty parody where they used the names and applied them to completely random characters like drug addicts and such. All of this culminates in a climax that not only makes a mockery out of the book from which this is supposed to be a sequel to, but has the fucking temerity to tell me that the evil monster they were trying to kill wasn’t really the bad guy, after all. Really? We’re doing this fucking trope?

I enjoyed the original Dracula novel. It’s one of my favorite horror books and the key ingredient in making me a fan of vampire lore back when it was still good horror material and had yet to degree to lame-ass Lost Boys/Buffy The Vampire Slayer schlock villains. Many folks have tried their own sequels to Dracula and this is supposed to be the official follow-up… and it turns out to be the worst of the bunch.

Oh, and by the way, whatever happened to Quincy Harker after this whole ordeal? He changes his name and decides to go on a trip, boarding a luxury liner called the Titanic.


This book is absolute fucking trash. Avoid like the plague.

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