More E3 Recaps

Saw a couple more videos from other people, here are some brief thoughts:

– So I saw a couple of Spoony’s E3 videos where he rambles about a couple games he saw. Last time I checked, this guy was an entertainer too and yet he’s not in his angry reviewer mode. In fact, I think his “fake anger” moments in this video is more believable and feels more legit than all three days of the AVGN combined. He’s only got the first day, along with an hotel video and an interview regarding Fable 3, but other than that, it’s a nice E3 presentation.

– Speaking of which, I saw a good chunk of Screwattack E3 videos and coverage comprises a brief video for each game they saw. Who appears in some of these videos? James Rolfe… as James Rolfe. This leads me to believe that the decision to have him parade as the AVGN on Gametrailers is a GT decision. But I’m not jumping that boat. Only the boat that says the AVGN E3 videos suck. It’s true, it’s true.

– Just out of curiosity, decided to venture to Gottgame and check out the lone E3 video featuring the Irate Gamer… watch Chris fumble his lines and Bore me to tears. Just about the only thing that remotely peaked my interest was the brief mention of a new Kid Icarus game on the 3DS. Other than that, more crap about the Old Republic that I could’ve gotten from a more reputable source. Sorry, guys.

– The only E3 “report” that I’ve enjoyed tremendously was Classic Game Room. And say what you will about the guy’s reviews being too monotone, but I think Mark did an amazing job with some of these videos. Oftentimes, you forget you’re watching an E3 report and instead are interacting with him on some video conversation. The guy seems like a pretty cool guy to hang around with and his E3 videos exude that kind of friendly atmosphere. Checks out as much as possible, but focuses on some of the “smaller” stuff while asking about flamethrowers and Cosmic Carnage. Thank you, sir.

And that’s it.

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