RAW (June 14th, 2010) – That didn’t take long…

Before we dive in, I want to highlight this page at Inside Pulse Wrestling, which chronicles WWE Champion John Cena sending a series of Twits expressing his wanting Daniel Bryan Danielson back in WWE… presumably to get back for this kick he got. Whether this is legit or work, it’s nice to see Cena’s voice tossed out there and perhaps maybe… JUST maybe… he isn’t simply a corporate shill after all.

Then again, this could all be an elaborate work.

Anyway… RAW…

So RAW opens up with the NXT rookies in the ring, rambling about how they don’t regret what happened last week. Bret Hart shows up, fires Barrett, shows the whole group out, and effectively kills their goldmine dead.


As far as Danielson is concerned, he’s had a change of heart or something and that’s why we’ll never see him again.

Let me repeat that.


Yeah, I’m pushing it.
Skip out on the rest of the show until the very end, where John Cena was wrestling and the bunch of radicals has bounced ol’ Bret in a limo, threatening him some more about some demands or something.
We go from Cena to Bret? Really?
Hmm… meh.

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