Mr. T declares WAR on A-Team remake

So according to this article, Mr. T was offered a cameo in the A-Team remake, but declined due to the fact that the original A-Team’s “light-hearted approach has been replaced by gritty realism” in the new film. Also, he doesn’t care for the fact that in this version, people died and things get sexed up while in the original show, nobody died and sex was down to a minimum – usually an attractive girl or two per show.

Mr. T, you may recall, originally played B.A. Barracus in the original TV show, a role that is filled by UFC fighter Rampage Jackson.

While some might be saddened by the lack of Mr. T in the new movie, give the guy some credit. Unlike Dirk Been-A-Dick, he stuck to his principles and didn’t accept a cameo in a project he didn’t agree with. He didn’t berate the remake either, just said it was vastly different from the show he made famous… although it must be brought up that the show wasn’t necessarily all roses either, but I’ll wait until I check out the movie… when it comes out on DVD.

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