BOOK REVIEW – The Wrestlecrap Book Of Lists (2007)

It’s safe to say that I’ve been a fan of the Wrestlecrap website for many years now. The long running website maintained by RD Reynolds, which spotlights many of the ridiculous, stupid, and just plain bad moments in wrestling lore (within comedic context) has always brought a smile to my face upon every entry. So much so that when RD produced his first book, I happily purchased it. Same goes for his follow-up book, The Death Of WCW; also written by Bryan Alvarez of Figure Four Weekly fame.

So long story short, I’ve recently managed to snag a copy of RD Reynolds’ latest tome; a compilation of lists and focusing mostly on the Wrestlecrap side of things. And I can honestly say that the third time’s a charm as he (along with fellow cohort Blade Braxton) has managed to produce a decidedly funny and interesting book with lots of lists in it.

Not to say that his earlier works were crap (the first book was a good sampler of the website, the second book was also a good read on a morbid subject matter), but I felt like this was a book that was more suited to the Wrestlecrap genre. Many of the lists were genuinely funny and include stuff that you never knew had actually happened. But do you know why this book is great? They actually show off the Katie Vick outfit that they had bought through WWE’s website… If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s probably for the best.

This isn’t a book that pokes fun at wrestling’s lesser or failed gimmicks with any sense of maliciousness, but rather, it’s a celebration of said gimmicks, whether it’s the stuff that we didn’t think sucked back then or whether it’s the stuff that we always knew was kind of shit. All in all, this was a pretty good read that’s well worth checking out.

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