For Those Wondering…

Yes, I did get zee Mega Man Elevenz on the Steamz.

I’m saving my extended thoughts for the end of the year (a.k.a. the last video review of 2018), but I can say this much. This did a far better job of recreating the classic style of Mega Man than the two non-8-bit entries in the series… at least in terms of the feel and the controls. The new Double Gear gimmick is helpful for certain spots, but I’ve been able to clear a couple levels with little to no use… which is nice for those who would rather do it old-school… though the gear helps in weapons boostage. It’s not a whole lot to go on for the moment, but from what little I’ve played thus far, it’s definitely a step in the right direction.

Oh, I will say this one other bit. This 2018 release runs way the fuck better than 2016’s Mighty No. 9 did.

Think about that for a bit.

Street Fighter II SNES Cartridge For $100!


Capcom and iam8bit have teamed up to produce a limited edition Street Fighter II Collector’s Collection, which includes a freshly-made reproduction cart of the original version of Street Fighter II for SNES, as well a “premium” instruction book, a box, and some other “random” goodies. All of this for a hundred bucks.

So for those bitching about a new version of Street Fighter II on the new Nintendo Switch system costing too much money… well, here’s an old version of the game that cost way the heck more.

I love the additional warning the site gives regarding the cart;

“WARNING: Use of this reproduction game cartridge (the “Product”) on the SNES gaming hardware may cause the SNES console to overheat or catch fire. The SNES hardware is deemed a vintage collectible, so please exercise extreme caution when using the Product and make sure there is fire extinguishment equipment nearby. Use of the Product is at the sole risk of the user. The Product is sold “as is”.  Neither iam8bit, Inc. nor Capcom Co, Ltd. make any representation or warranty, express or implied, of any kind, including any warranty of merchantability of fitness for a particular use, or that the Product is safe to use, and iam8bit, Inc. or Capcom Co, Ltd. shall have no liability for damage to property or persons arising from use of the Product. Nintendo of America is in no way associated with the release of this Product.”

So, there you go, kids. Not only are they offering an old SNES game for a hundred bucks – an old SNES game that you could probably get for way cheaper used – but they’re also offering an old SNES game that can kill your console for a hundred bucks. See, if I wanted to kill my console, I’d just get a hammer from the Dollar Store and smash it with that. Less hassle.

Anyway… that’s a thing that’s being offered now. Not sure if I want to actually go out and get one for myself, since I already have a perfectly functional copy of SF2 for my SNES that won’t cause my machine to explode… or maybe I’m just holding out for something similar to be done with ol’ Blue Boy… wait, not happening? Oh, okay.

Sooooooo……. have fun.

Pick-ups tomorrow.

Double Dragon IV Coming To Nintendo Switch

Source article can be read here.

I only bring this up so I can find an excuse to re-post my Double Dragon IV review from earlier this year. My thoughts on the game itself can be found there. Still, nice to see Nintendo getting another NES-inspired retro demake style game thing onto their console. I sure wish more people got on that bandwagon. (Looking at you, Capcom.)

SNES Classic Edition Announced… And Includes StarFox 2!


In a move that everyone saw coming, Nintendo has announced the SNES Classic Edition, which is essentially a miniature SNES-looking Plug-N-Play system with twenty one built-in SNES classics as well as TWO SNES controllers – the original NES Classic Edition only included one controller.

What makes this system a sweet deal is what’s on the console. Twenty-one games might not seem like a whole lot, but this is truly a matter of quality over quantity and the game selection is top-notch stuff indeed. Not only are you getting the usual Nintendo classics such as Super Mario World/Kart/RPG, Super Metroid, and even Kirby Super Stars, not only are you getting some of the finest third-party offerings such as Contra III, Super Castlevania IV, and Final Fantasy III (VI), but you’re also getting the never-before-released StarFox 2.

For those in the emulation and homebrew scene, you might’ve already played that one… but for many gamers who have never dabbled in that scene, this will be the first time they’d experience the game in any real official capacity. That alone adds value to the SNES Classic Edition, which is looking to be a solid offering indeed.

Let’s just hope Nintendo makes more than five copies worldwide.

The SNES Classic Edition hits stores September 29th.

The full list can be seen after the break.

Contra III: The Alien Wars
Donkey Kong Country
Final Fantasy III
Kirby Super Star
Kirby’s Dream Course
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Mega Man X
Secret of Mana
Star Fox
Star Fox 2
Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting
Super Castlevania IV
Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Super Punch-Out!!
Yoshi’s Island

Review A Great Game Day on April 8th

A few years back, now-defunct gaming website One More Castle established the Review A Bad Game Day event, where people can submit reviews of bad games to be posted on August 8th. I’ve done one such event, thinking it was a one-off thing, but turns out it was an annual thing all these years. Just as I was thinking of jumping back into that fold, One More Castle closes its doors and the event was closed… I ended up adopting the concept anyway, to the point that for the past couple years, every August 8th, I’d review a bad game.

The other concept they’ve started up a year or so later was the Review A Great Game day, where people would post reviews of great games and see them posted on April 8th. This event, I never participated in and I’m hoping to change that.

Next month, on April 8th, it’s going to be a good day to review a great game here on the blog. What that game will be… well, that’s the kicker… and the surprise.

Something To Put You Down A Bit…

When you really think about it, the worst part about anything is pretty much everything.

Nothing of note would be found to have any merit.
Nothing worthwhile will have anything resembling worth.
It’s just an ideal and an idea we fool ourselves into believe.
Nothing gained from this venture or the last.
Nothing lost in those instances but time.
I’ve had enough of this mess. I’m done with it all.
Maybe when all is said and done, I’ll keep the eggs fresh.
Blow it out the other end and keep it blowing.
I’ll be seeing you later and not much better.
The rules of the road are clear as day.
But nobody I’ve met is dumber than you.
So take heed, my gentle fiend, and remember this well.
You suck the life out of anything worthwhile
And I hope you burn in Hell…
There’s a bit of demotivational dogma for you.
New review’s coming up tomorrow.

No BFG Ramble From Me… Been Busy

So spent yesterday at the Cosmodome in Laval, a exhibition of SPACE. Had some models of past rockets and satellites and it even had a virtual simulator where you could partake in an actual space mission (within the span of an hour). That was pretty cool, actually. There was also a section where folks could try out some of the training tools that you’d normally find at Space Camp. Didn’t get the chance to try them out, but that’s something to look forward to in the future. All in all, a fine way to spend a Sunday.

As such, I haven’t caught the Bound For Glory PPV that TNA put out… yes, TNA was able to put out a PPV last night… and I didn’t see it. From my understanding in reading the results, however, nothing of note really happened on that show that was worth watching, so I don’t think I’ll go out of my way to catch the replay… or even give TNA the time of day, anytime soon.

Anyway, I’m off.

Plug-And-Play NES From Nintendo Due In November

Maybe a mini NES will be a better buy than the Wii Mini.
Anyone remember the Wii Mini?
Anyone at all?

A plug-and-play NES console with 30 built-in NES titles, HDMI output, and suspending play functionality? And you can (possibly) use the included controller on the Wii (U) Virtual Console? That’s actually pretty sweet. And the list of games included is nice, varied, and not strictly first-party. Mind you; there’s a couple games I would rather have in there over others. Would’ve been nice to have Castlevania III in there to complete the trilogy or one of the Natsume titles like Shatterhand, Shadow of the Ninja, or the Power Blade games… toss in the Lost Levels instead of flippin’ Ice Climber. But… baby steps.

NES plug-and-plays have existed before (in less official capacities and also, quite frankly, much shoddier build qualities), but an officially licensed one from Nintendo is a rarity. Who knows? It might do well for those who haven’t dumped money into a Wii or a Wii U and just want a nice, convenient piece of nostalgia to play their old favorites. Or maybe some folks will just want the controller for nostalgia sessions on their Wii.

And please don’t bother with the tired “emulators” route. The fact is some folks don’t like or don’t want to go that route and would prefer more official means. How many Sega Genesis plug-and-plays are floating out there and still making? The things obviously sell, so there’s an interest.

Here’s the full list for those who don’t want to click the link above.

Balloon Fight
Bubble Bobble
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Dr. Mario
Final Fantasy
Ghosts’N Goblins
Ice Climber
Kid Icarus
Kirby’s Adventure
Mario Bros.
Mega Man 2
Ninja Gaiden
Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
Super C
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Tecmo Bowl
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link